How to make your Morning Routine Successful

I’ve written multiple times about how creating a successful morning routine can significantly impact your productivity, mood, and overall well-being. The key to a successful morning is a combination of thoughtful planning, discipline, and positive habits that set the tone for the rest of your day. Here’s a comprehensive guide with specific ideas and examples … Read more

Ashwagandha Mental Health Benefits for teens and adults.

Are you familiar with Ashwagandha? If not, you might want to learn about it – especially if you or someone in your family is having challenges with maintaining a positive mental outlook. In this article we’ll explore the basics about Ashwagandha and learn about its mental health benefits – including a story from my family … Read more

Family Bedtime Chats – unlock the benefits of this incredible Evening Ritual

Today I’d like to share with you one of the tips my wife and I have used to improve our parenting skills – it’s called the Family Bedtime Chat. The concept is simple – before we all go to bed, we meet as a group in one of the bedrooms and everyone gets a chance … Read more

50 Affirmations for Enjoying The Now Moments of Life

Affirmations are a form of positive self-talk that have the power to change what you believe to be true about yourself – over time affirmations can transform your reality. In today’s episode, I’ll be giving you 50 Affirmations that will help you enjoy the Now Moments of Your Life. Editor’s Note: We’ve discussed the power … Read more

How to Build Muscle After 45 – Advanced Tactics to Burn Fat, Get Lean and Outsmart the Aging Process

Build Muscle After 45

I’m guessing you’re reading this article because you’re like me – you’re looking for a way to learn how to build muscle after 45 and get back in shape again. You know there are obstacles to this goal, but you also know that solutions exist to overcome these challenges and you want to learn what … Read more

King Solomon’s Money Management Tips – Part 1

Today’s lesson is about King Solomon’s Money Management Tips — in this article we’ll explore some of the wise ruler’s thoughts on wealth, including the importance of financial education and having a plan for managing your hard earned money. Life Lesson #22: Don’t be a fool with your hard-earned money Editor’s Note: This is Part … Read more

Three to Thrive – Super Productivity Tips from Tony Robbins and Tim Ferris

Tony Robbins Three to Thrive

Power Thru Your To Do List! In the non-stop quest to ever improve productivity and make the most of the precious time we have in this world, I submit to you to the concept of “Three to Thrive” – an amazing tool that was developed by Tim Ferriss and Tony Robbins. Use this simple tool … Read more

How to Get What You Want in Life, Sales, and even the Dog World?

The Power of Persistence You can get what you want in life if you understand the Power of Persistence. Using the Power of Persistence is not hard — it starts with this simple formula:  ASK for what you want and don’t stop asking until you get it! In this article we’ll discuss tips and strategies … Read more

Living the Legacy – Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Auctions Treasured Championship Memorabilia to Help Children

Regular readers of this site know how often we talk about “Living a Legacy Life” – today we’re provided with a wonderful real-life story that will inspire you as Hall of Fame basketball legend Kareem Abdul-Jabbar has announced that he’s auctioning off much of his treasured memorabilia in an effort to support children’s charities associated … Read more