Three to Thrive – Super Productivity Tips from Tony Robbins and Tim Ferris

Tony Robbins Three to Thrive

Power Thru Your To Do List! In the non-stop quest to ever improve productivity and make the most of the precious time we have in this world, I submit to you to the concept of “Three to Thrive” – an amazing tool that was developed by Tim Ferriss and Tony Robbins. Use this simple tool … Read more

The “SMART” Morning Routine – Built for Working Men and Women

Your New Morning Routine? It’s Fast, it’s flexible and it will supercharge your life – it’s The SMART Morning Routine! Morning Routine – The Problem Most AM Rituals require 2-4 hours to complete – most working men and women don’t have this kind of time in the morning. Do you? Morning Routine – The Solution … Read more

Quick Tips: Could GOOGLE KEEP be the Speech-to-Text Tool You’ve Been Looking for?

Summary: Save time (and money) with Google Keep’s Voice Transcription Capabilities and File Sharing As always, my goal is to share practical wisdom you can use to make life easier. Here are a couple more tips… Use Google Keep as your voice recorder and save time because the file can be instantly exported to a … Read more

2018 Resources – The Essential Guide to Awesomeness

2018 Resources – A Summary: Hi, I’m Mike, better known as That Helpful Dad. One of my Legacy Life goals is to help people live a better life — I do this by sharing practical tips, life lessons, honest product reviews, and action-oriented wisdom that you can use today to live your best life NOW. … Read more