How to make your Morning Routine Successful

I’ve written multiple times about how creating a successful morning routine can significantly impact your productivity, mood, and overall well-being. The key to a successful morning is a combination of thoughtful planning, discipline, and positive habits that set the tone for the rest of your day. Here’s a comprehensive guide with specific ideas and examples … Read more

Essential Guide to Pre-Call Planning for Sales – The Pharmaceutical Sales Edition

Are you involved in sales – either as a sales agent, rep, trainer, or manager? If so, this article can help you and your team — I’ll explain the importance of pre-call planning as relates to sales in general, talk about the method I use called PPAF Pre-Call Planning, share my tips on how to … Read more

5 POWER-ful Tools to Overcome Life’s Challenges

Public Speaking… Losing Weight… Closing a sale… Hitting a Curveball… The list goes on… All of us face difficult challenges in our lives and that’s not likely to change anytime soon. Unfortunately, all too often we allow the illusion of difficulty to discourage us — which in turn leads to feelings of frustration, causes us … Read more

Chapter 10 of A Life Worth Living – Always Have a Plan

Chapter 10 of “A Life Worth Living – The Story of Sassy” Click here to read the earlier chapters and learn more about this serial novel Chapter 10 – Always Have a Plan (Mid-2003) Anne, Sassy, and I had been playing house for over a year and a half and things were so great that the … Read more