5 POWER-ful Tools to Overcome Life’s Challenges

Public Speaking… Losing Weight… Closing a sale… Hitting a Curveball… The list goes on… All of us face difficult challenges in our lives and that’s not likely to change anytime soon. Unfortunately, all too often we allow the illusion of difficulty to discourage us — which in turn leads to feelings of frustration, causes us … Read more


It’s another beautiful day here in Florida. Check it out… Even when I’m down, that view is enough to reset my Happiness Meter. So here’s what I’m currently focused on right NOW… Growing the Helpful Dad Community Our group was outgrowing my former wordpress.com site so in Jan 2018 we moved to a new home. We’d … Read more

Get Wisdom! Get Wealth! (The Solomon Series)

Solomon’s 10th Commandment Thou shalt use thy wisdom to acquire thy wealth, and thy wealth to acquire more wisdom. (Editor’s note: This article is part of a series of life lessons that feature the wisdom of King Solomon — visit this page to see more) The King is back and today’s lesson is one of … Read more

Development Follows Demand – But Are You Demanding Enough of Yourself?

We know from our prior discussions that failure is not something to be feared and that failures themselves are not the end of the road. Today I want to share some additional insights with you that relate to the topic of Failure and Self-Development. Development follows Demand Think of any goal you want to accomplish and you’re in essence thinking … Read more

Wait, You Mean the Sky is NOT Falling?

Hitchhiking with Chicken Little Lesson #102: When faced with a problem, rather than act rashly and increase your odds of doing something stupid, instead THINK and ACT from a position of wisdom. Today’s Life Lesson was inspired by Douglas Adams (author of The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy) who sums up our lesson with two … Read more

15 Reasons Why The Last Jedi is the WORST Star Wars Movie Ever… and 1 Reason Why It Isn’t — Which Side of The Force are YOU On?

OK, so Star Wars The Last Jedi wasn’t all that good. Hey, it’s happened before, and it will happen again. Need I remind you of such infamous sequels as Rocky V, Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines, and Prometheus (Alien), among others? These please-let-me-forget-what-I-just-saw films are often despised by loyal fans of said franchises. And … Read more

2018 Resources – The Essential Guide to Awesomeness

2018 Resources – A Summary: Hi, I’m Mike, better known as That Helpful Dad. One of my Legacy Life goals is to help people live a better life — I do this by sharing practical tips, life lessons, honest product reviews, and action-oriented wisdom that you can use today to live your best life NOW. … Read more

Chapter 16 of A Life Worth Living – Making Lemonade

IClick here to read the earlier chapters and learn more about this serial novel Chapter 16 – Making Lemonade (2004) The rest of 2004 was a bit more mundane. Anne, Sassy, and I continued to enjoy life in our neighborhood and we grew closer to our new friends there. I was a quick study in … Read more

Chapter 15 of “A Life Worth Living” – Tragedy

IClick here to read the earlier chapters and learn more about this serial novel Chapter 15 – Tragedy (2004) “Tragedy – when the feelin’s gone and you can’t go on, it’s tragedy.” The Bee Gee’s sang those lyrics back in 1979 but I never really understood them until 2004. I was at one of the high … Read more

Chapter 14 of “A Life Worth Living” – For Every Action, a Reaction

IClick here to read the earlier chapters and learn more about this serial novel Chapter 14 – For Every Action, a Reaction (2004) For every action there is a reaction and 2004 continued to prove the validity of that wisdom to us. Although friends came and went in Sassy’s life, our little yorkie continued to flourish … Read more

Chapter 13 of A Life Worth Living – A Time for Everything

Chapter 13 of “A Life Worth Living – The Story of Sassy” Click here to read the earlier chapters and learn more about this serial novel Chapter 13 – A Time for Everything (2004) And so everything worked out for the best and we all lived happily ever after. Well – not exactly. As you know … Read more

Chapter 12 of A Life Worth Living – Ask, and Ye Shall Receive

Chapter 12 of “A Life Worth Living – The Story of Sassy” Click here to read the earlier chapters and learn more about this serial novel Chapter 12 – Ask, And Ye Shall Receive (February, 2004) All dogs are prone to getting into some kind of mischief — digging holes in the back yard, tearing … Read more

Chapter 10 of A Life Worth Living – Always Have a Plan

Chapter 10 of “A Life Worth Living – The Story of Sassy” Click here to read the earlier chapters and learn more about this serial novel Chapter 10 – Always Have a Plan (Mid-2003) Anne, Sassy, and I had been playing house for over a year and a half and things were so great that the … Read more

Chapter 9 of A Life Worth Living – The Wisdom of Your Family

Chapter 9 of “A Life Worth Living – The Story of Sassy” Click here to read the earlier chapters and learn more about this serial novel Chapter 9 – The Wisdom of Your Family (Early 2003) ChiChi would just as soon bite you as look at you — which was a lesson Anne learned the … Read more