How to Encrypt your Emails for Enhanced Privacy and Security – GMAIL, Outlook, Apple Mail, and more

In an age where digital privacy is increasingly important, encrypting your emails is one of the most effective ways to safeguard sensitive information from prying eyes. Whether you’re communicating with colleagues, clients, or friends, email encryption ensures that only intended recipients can access the contents of your messages. In this How To Guide, we’ll explore … Read more

How to Add an Attachment in Gmail: A Comprehensive Guide

Let’s review how to add an attachment in GMAIL – whether it’s a document, an image, or any other type of file. We’ll even discuss the nuances of doing this on a MOBILE device too. Step-by-Step Guide to Adding an Attachment in Gmail 1. Logging into Your Gmail Account Before you can send an email … Read more

2018 Resources – The Essential Guide to Awesomeness

2018 Resources – A Summary: Hi, I’m Mike, better known as That Helpful Dad. One of my Legacy Life goals is to help people live a better life — I do this by sharing practical tips, life lessons, honest product reviews, and action-oriented wisdom that you can use today to live your best life NOW. … Read more