Tough Mudder Top 10 Training Tips

Tough Mudder Training AND Tips. This vid is filled with tips to help make YOUR Tough Mudder experience better. If you have a tip to share, please add a comment. See you at the next Tough Mudder! Check out more of our favorite vids:Tough Mudder Race + Tips: Mudder 2012 Obstacles: Mudder SHOES: … Read more

Tough Mudder Tips – Full Race

[youtube=] Are you doing Tough Mudder — watch this video to get an idea of the entire course – complete with TIPS for every obstacle! This was my first Tough Mudder back in 2011 – this video has over 750,000 views and 1500 likes on YouTube and has helped a lot of people – hopefully … Read more

Tough Mudder Arctic Enema – FLORIDA Style

Arctic Enema is Tough Mudder’s ICE BATH. It’s also sometimes called “Chernobyl Jacuzzi”. Basically it is a giant cargo hull (sometimes mud pit) full of ICE water. You have to jump in, go under a beam, and then force through the ice to get out. Depending on the location, it’s either refreshing or it really sucks. Either way it will take your breath away when you jump in

3 important tips for Electric Eel Tips at Tough Mudder – shockingly good fun!

Electric Eel (aka Shock on the Rocks) is one of the most DIFFICULT but also one of the FUNNEST obstacles at Tough Mudder. Yes, you will get shocked. It’s a long, slow crawl across a watered down tarp, under the barb wires which have electric wires hanging down – doesn’t that sound like fun? This vid will give you tips on how to avoid getting shocked or how to GET shocked – your choice.

Wounded Warrior Carry – Tough Mudder

Tough Mudder Wounded Warrior Carry (aka Fireman’s Carry) is a fun ‘obstacle’ at some of the new Tough Mudder races. This was filmed at the Tampa Tough Mudder. In the vid we’ll give you some tips to help you as well as some funny clips too.
If you have a tip to share, please do so in the comments section. Cheers!

15 Tips for Tough Mudder – with actual race footage

Use the Links Below to skip ahead.

Lots of good Tough Mudder footage on this video including:
00:30 Ambulance!
00:35 ARCTIC ENEMA – hanging out in the ice bath
01:10 Will you MARRY Me? (Proposal)
01:13 SMURF Sighting
01:18 Boa Constrictor Tunnels
02:03 BATMAN Lives
02:35 Electric Eel – shock on the rocks
02:46 Man Carrying a BABY
03:00 Man changing BABY
03:02 Todd’s Trash Compactor Idea
03:15 Hello, Kitty
03:20 Mud Mile – time to get SUPER MUDDY!
03:48 Ball Shrinker relaxing
03:58 Todd gets IN the trash compactor!
04:11 Monkey Bar Pullups
04:42 Walk the Plank – High Jump
05:15 SUPERMAN Crew
05:38 Wounded Warrior Carry Part 1
05:52 Wounded Warrior Carry part 2
06:04 Mexicans invade Trench Warfare
07:03 Balls to the Wall Climb and Repel
07:25 EVEREST Half Pipe Attack
07:41 Electroshock therapy – normal
07:51 Electroshock therapy – man needs to be rescued
08:05 Man TRIES to get electrocuted on Shock Therapy – ouch!
08:15 Electroshock Therapy – the SMART way
08:17 The Finish Line and Headbands

See you next year.

Tough Mudder – New Obstacles + Ideas for YOU to try out

Use Links below to SKIP Ahead…
Part of our growing Tough Mudder series. Once again we give you EVERY OBSTACLE + Tips with ideas for YOU to try too, such as…

00:42 and 01:05 Going into Arctic Enema TWICE
06:08 The Wingspan Technique on Electroshock Therapy – ouch!
03:33 Ten Pullups in middle of Monkey Bars
01:36 Boa Constrictor with a rope
02:20 Surviving the Electric Eel
03:05 Getting TOTALLY MUDDY on the Mud Mile
04:17 Using the Trash Compactor as a new obstacle
04:10 Backflip off Walk The Plank
03:20 The Relaxed way to go across Ball Shrinker lake
04:26 Tips for the Berlin Walls HIGH Wall
04:55 Running on Wounded Warrior Carry
05:13 Why Mexicans rule on Trench Warfare
05:39 Caution for your calves on Balls to the Wall
05:50 Racing up Everest
00:24 Tips to avoid injury

This was filmed at Sarasota, Florida December 2, 2012 featuring the 2013 Course Obstacles. It was the Tough Mudder for Central Florida and Tampa/Orlando area. Tough Mudder and other mud races like this are a lot of fun. We’ve done a number of them in the Florida area. If you see us at a race, be sure to say “Hello”
