Chapter 8 of A Life Worth Living – Nothing Lasts Forever

Chapter 8 of “A Life Worth Living – The Story of Sassy” Click here to read the earlier chapters and learn more about this serial novel Chapter 8 – Nothing Lasts Forever (Late 2002) “This is Gabby.” Liz gushed over a white pile of fur that squirmed in her lap, barking all the while. “We … Read more

Chapter 7 of A Life Worth Living – Too Much of a Good Thing

Chapter 7 of “A Life Worth Living – The Story of Sassy” Click here to read the earlier chapters and learn more about this serial novel Chapter 7 – Too Much of a Good Thing? (Late 2002) Although we avoided a tragedy with Sassy’s little swim in the swamp during the summer, we got another … Read more

Chapter 6 of A Life Worth Living – Sliding Doors

Chapter 6 of “A Life Worth Living – The Story of Sassy” Click here to read the earlier chapters and learn more about this serial novel CHAPTER 6 – Sliding Doors (Mid-2002) Piano music, pleasant scents… and chew toys – these were the simple pleasures of Sassy’s life during her second year with us. Life … Read more

Like to Meditate? Here’s a website with 99+ FREE meditation audios

I’ve been a big believer in the benefits of meditation for over 20 years, therefore I’m always on the lookout for new tools that can help me improve my meditation experience. There are tons of apps and websites that cater to the meditation crowd now but not all are created equal. One of my new … Read more

Chapter 5 of A Life Worth Living – Love Can’t Be Stopped

Chapter 5 of “A Life Worth Living – The Story of Sassy” Click here to read the earlier chapters and learn more about this serial novel CHAPTER 5 – Love Can’t Be Stopped (Mid-2002) Sassy’s first health scare with us occurred when she was about a year and a half old – as is common with … Read more

Chapter 4 of A Life Worth Living – The Lost Get Found

Chapter 4 of “A Life Worth Living – The Story of Sassy” Click here for more information about this book, its online format, and the introduction… Chapter 4 – The Lost Get Found (Flashback – 2000) Although this book is about our time with Sassy, I suppose it would also be helpful for me to … Read more

Chapter 3 of A Life Worth Living – The Power of Persistence

Chapter 3 of “A Life Worth Living – The Story of Sassy” Click here for more information about this book, its online format, and the introduction… Chapter 3 – The Power of Persistence (2001) We never saw Dr. Avery again. Not because we weren’t happy with his care – quite frankly he may well have … Read more

Chapter 2 of A Life Worth Living – There is Goodness in the World

Chapter 2 of “A Life Worth Living – The Story of Sassy” Click here for more information about this book, its online format, and the introduction… Chapter 2 – There is Goodness in the World (Jan 31, 2001 and the following week) Sassy rode on my lap on a baby blanket on the way home … Read more

Chapter 1 of A Life Worth Living – Find Your Voice

Click here for more information about this book, its online format, and the introduction… Chapter 1 – Find Your Voice (Jan 31, 2001) “Come on, Anne, this place is a dump.” I said to my girlfriend as I reluctantly pulled our vehicle into the driveway of a rundown bungalow. “Let’s turn around and wait for … Read more

A Life Worth Living – The Story of Sassy

You are invited to read along as I create my next book titled, A Life Worth Living. It’s the story of a Yorkshire Terrier named “Sassy.” READER BONUS: This book is initially being distributed in serial edition format directly from this website — in other words, you’ll be able to read the chapters as they … Read more


Wouldn’t it be great if whatever we desired to achieve we could do perfectly? It’s a nice thought, but unfortunately it’s rarely our reality. Yet, all too often we hold ourselves to unrealistic expectations. Tell me if this sounds like you — how many times have you said, “if I can’t do it perfectly, then … Read more

NOW is the time to ENJOY LIFE

Today’s lesson is part of a little series I’m writing about the importance of making a conscious effort to enjoy your life NOW. Not tomorrow, today. Not later today, but this very moment! It’s been said a million different ways always but the old cliche is true – there is no guarantee of tomorrow; the … Read more