Who are YOUR Best and Worst Customer Service Companies?

I think we can all agree that unfortunately good customer service is hard to find nowadays. Here’s my personal list of the best and worst companies for customer service. I’d be interested to know what YOU think… Best Companies: Korean Air Google Legoland Florida Hotel Amazon Prime Chase Sapphire & USAA Insurance (tie) Worst Companies: Verizon … Read more

King Solomon 5 Money Myths – How Many Are YOU Guilty of?

Life Lesson #24: It’s not how much you make, it’s how much you keep Today’s lesson is the third part of our series about King Solomon’s Tips for Money Management. This is Part 3 of our series – we’ll talk about five money myths and then we’ll examine King Solomon’s wisdom on how to SAVE more … Read more

King Solomon’s Seven Pillars of How to Make Money

Life Lesson #23: You’ve got to Believe in order to Achieve Today’s lesson is a continuation of King Solomon’s advice on acquiring wealth and good money management. This is Part 2 of our series – it’s about how to make money using the Seven Pillars of Solomon. BTW, if you have not yet read Part 1 … Read more


Life Lesson #21: “Poetry, Beauty, Love — These are What We Live For”  Today’s life lesson is inspired by the character known as Nuwanda (the nickname of Charles Dalton, one of my characters from the movie “The Dead Poets’ Society), who said, “Gotta DO more, gotta BE more!”   Have You Seen It Yet? Did … Read more

Make The Most of Your Home Base

Life Lesson #16: Don’t Overlook the Benefits of Home Friends, We talked about this a bit in Lesson #9 but it’s such an important topic that I wanted to discuss it again. With that in mind, today’s lesson was inspired by Maya Angelou who said, “the ache for home lives in all of us – that safe … Read more

Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing in Silver and Gold

[youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ug8EC73feLI&w=320&h=266] TheHelpfuldad discusses Rich Dad Advisor Michael Maloney’s book “Guide to Investing in Gold and Silver” – read this book and learn how to protect your financial future. You can find the book on Amazon below… http://www.amazon.com/Rich-Dads-Advisors-Investing-Financial/dp/0446510998/