The Best of Series

At one of our goals is to share practical solutions and honest product reviews with you so that you can make more informed decisions on how you spend your time and what you spend your money on. On this you’ll find links to learn more about our most useful tips and favorite products – … Read more

How to Live a Legacy Life

Live a Legacy Life

Are YOU living a Legacy Life? What does it even mean to live a Legacy life? In this article, we’ll talk about the concept of Living a Legacy Life; more importantly I’ll give you tips that can help you identify what you want YOUR legacy to be and ideas for how you can spend more … Read more

Best Chromebooks for Kids, Students, Bloggers, Working Professionals, & More

Best Chromebooks – I’ve been a longtime fan of Chromebooks and have been using these powerful little laptops for years. In this article, I’ll give you my recommendations for the best Chromebooks for kids, for students, for people looking to replace their traditional laptops with a Chromebook, and for bloggers and online marketers, and for … Read more

How to Get What You Want in Life, Sales, and even the Dog World?

The Power of Persistence You can get what you want in life if you understand the Power of Persistence. Using the Power of Persistence is not hard — it starts with this simple formula:  ASK for what you want and don’t stop asking until you get it! In this article we’ll discuss tips and strategies … Read more

There is Beauty Everywhere… If You Only Look

Life Lesson #19: Everything is beautiful in its own time   Today’s life lesson about beauty was inspired by Antoine de Saint Exupery (author) who wrote… “One see clearly only with the heart; anything essential is invisible to the eyes.” BTW, that quote is from Saint Exupery’s legendary children’s’ book “The Little Prince” – one of … Read more

Choose Happiness Over Money – It’s the Path to True Wealth

Do What You Love

Happiness or Money? Whether you are just starting out in your career, you’re considering relocating for work, or perhaps even a complete career change at mid-life, you’re going to face the question “Should I choose Happiness or chase the Money?” In this article we’ll discuss why the choice does NOT have to be one or … Read more

Free Gifts

Thanks for subscribing to That Helpful Dad’s website. It’s great to have you as a member of the community. We’re 10,000+ strong and growing, but no matter how large we grow one thing will always remain the same – every member matters – that includes YOU too! Important Tip for GMAIL Users: If you use … Read more

The “SMART” Morning Routine – Built for Working Men and Women

Your New Morning Routine? It’s Fast, it’s flexible and it will supercharge your life – it’s The SMART Morning Routine! Morning Routine – The Problem Most AM Rituals require 2-4 hours to complete – most working men and women don’t have this kind of time in the morning. Do you? Morning Routine – The Solution … Read more

Wait, You Mean the Sky is NOT Falling?

Hitchhiking with Chicken Little Lesson #102: When faced with a problem, rather than act rashly and increase your odds of doing something stupid, instead THINK and ACT from a position of wisdom. Today’s Life Lesson was inspired by Douglas Adams (author of The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy) who sums up our lesson with two … Read more


Life Lesson #21: “Poetry, Beauty, Love — These are What We Live For”  Today’s life lesson is inspired by the character known as Nuwanda (the nickname of Charles Dalton, one of my characters from the movie “The Dead Poets’ Society), who said, “Gotta DO more, gotta BE more!”   Have You Seen It Yet? Did … Read more

Are You Willing to Give the Effort It Takes to Win?

Life Lesson #21: The Difference Between Victory and Defeat is So Small. Today’s life lesson was inspired by swimmer Michael Phelps who said “If you want to be the best, you have to do things that other people aren’t willing to do” and for other reasons that will soon become obvious to you…   But First … Read more

How to Make More Friends

Life Lesson #18: The More Friends You Have The Better Today’s lesson was inspired by King Solomon who said, “Two people are better than one because they have a good return for their work; if one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to … Read more

What’s YOUR Solution to this Classic Test?

Life Lesson #17: Think Outside the Box Today’s lesson was inspired by Erich Fromm (a German Psychologist) who said “Creativity requires the courage to let go of certainties.” What you’re about to read is story about a puzzle test you’ve probably seen before, but with a new twist – a solution you may never have … Read more